Recife is a popular tourist town, and for this reason, it pays the price by making a prosper exploitation of children and adolescents.

After watching a scene involving a 12-year-old child living in extreme vulnerability on the beach of Boa Viagem, Dr. Wilson Lins de Oliveira Junior decided to take
action to protect children on the same beach.

Right away, in the month of August 2002, seeking to develop a strong action in this area, the ICFS, inspired by the code of ECPAT-International, has formed a group of volunteers,sharing the same line of ideas to act on Boa Viagem beach to inform swimmers, vendors, and owners of commercial kiosks, the importance of developing prevention regarding the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in the travel and tourist stays. This mission is coordinated locally by Mr. Wilson Lins Oliveira Junior, following the directives of the general coordination unit of the ICFS of Ribeirao Preto, in the state of São Paulo.

Information to Bathers, Owners of Commercial Kiosks, Questionnaires, Code of Conduct, Children and Adolescents Selling on the Beaches, Professional
Certification and Airport Information.


Information from bathers

It is important for civilians to realize that we have to intervene in all situations, as long as there is suspicion about a child, especially the small beach vendors. This action is now greatly facilitated, since we have a tool now indispensable: the mobile phone. Denouncing these acts in real time can help to apprehend the culprit in flagrante delicto.

The owners of barracks

Because they are very often the point of reference for many tourists, some owners or employees of kiosks develop activities that involve young people, for sexual purposes. We seek to alert them to the harms of such reprehensible and completely illegal practices, as they victimize and compromise the future of our children. We offer them T-shirts and hats with our slogans, so that they become active members of our operations.


In order to better know the children and teenagers who sell on Boa Viagem beach, we submitted a questionnaire to them. In this way, we want to know the links they have with the school, the composition of their families, the reasons that push them to sell on the beach, their aspirations.

Driving Chart

In a joint action with the hotel “Jangadeiro”, the CIAF has disclosed the code of conduct for the prevention of commercial exploitation of children and adolescents in a context of travel and tourism, through a partnership with the ABIH -PE (Brazilian Hotel Industry Association) and RC & VB (Recife Convention and Visitors Bureasu). Thus, we have been able to work in the very heart of hotels that have adhered to this code.

Children and teenagers selling on the beaches

It is important to know that they are targets of sexual exploiters, and that they are victims of harassment. Their attitude towards these situations is therefore decisive for their safety. Pimps do not use violent methods but use seduction to ensure the trust of their victims. Also, the CIAF has published a leaflet explaining to children how to differentiate between a GOOD tourist and a possible CHILD EXPLOITOR (Pedophile = pedofilia).

Certification of professionals

The certification of professionals began in 2000 (at the first seminar Brazil – France on the prevention of prostitution) with the actors Bernard Lemettre (Nest Movement – Clichy), Patricia LEGER and Bernadette ROCHER (Amicale du Nest – Paris and Marseille) and Norbert RICHERT Councilor at the Prefecture of Lille).

From 2002 to 2004, it was through a partnership with the Children’s Court of Créteil (Greater Paris Region), that the President Marie-Dominique VERGEZ visited us several times so that we could present to different professionals the French model of child protection.

In 2005 began an exchange between magistrates of the childhood court of the Pernambuco region and Mrs. VERGEZ.

Information at the airport

Using a simple and objective approach, CIAF members distribute bilingual leaflets (English / French) to passengers on international flights.

These materials include texts that we write with the ECA and inform about the prohibition of sexual activities with children and adolescents in our country.