Participation in events:

The CIAF has as one of its methodologies for income generation, besides the subsidy of some of its projects, the elaboration of events in which the resources generated are fully invested in the NGO and in its local, national and international actions.

Holding Events for Professionals:

The CIAF has set up a set of methods for the generation of revenus, other than the granting of certain projets, the development of the resources available to them, and the resources of NGOs and local, national and international actions. .

Campagnes pour des dons sporadiques Dans certaines situations et demandes, le CIAF exécute des demandes de dons pour des dons d’urgence.

Group of Collaborators:

With the aim of forming a financial support group that will cover expenses that are not covered by funding from national or international funding agencies. Thanks to a small monthly contribution.